by Jamie Satterwaite | Sep 13, 2018 | Soaping
Pumpkin Spice Latte Soap Made with Real Pumpkin
One thing that I love about making is soap is that the possibilities are really endless. You can add so many different things to soap to add different benefits! It is so fun to add different things to each batch just to see how it turns out. Since fall is right around the corner, I decided I wanted to make some Pumpkin Spice Latte Soap Made with Real Pumpkin!

by Jamie Satterwaite | Aug 29, 2018 | Soaping
One of the biggest questions that I get is why I do not give out exact measurements of my soap recipes. And that is an easy question to answer: Because everyone uses different molds! So, today I am going to show you How to Calculate How Much Oil is Needed in a Soap Mold.
How to Calculate How Much Oil is Needed in a Soap Mold

by Jamie Satterwaite | Aug 28, 2018 | Soaping
If you could not tell, I love making soap. The thing I think I like most about it is that I can experiment and play with different colors, scents, and oils. I can say that I have never made two of the same batches of soap. While playing and experimenting can be fun, if you are starting off, it can seem a little overwhelming. Knowing all of the different qualities of oils for soap making can help the process go a lot smoother, and be a lot more fun!
Qualities of Oils for Soap Making
by Jamie Satterwaite | Apr 19, 2018 | Ducks
What Do Muscovy Ducks Eat?
A few weeks ago I shared some of the great benefits of raising Muscovy ducks. Since then, I have had a few questions, and one of the most popular was: What do muscovy ducks eat? The short answer: Everything. While they will devour anything they can get their beaks on, there are a few things that you should avoid feeding them. And there are things that you can feed them to keep them healthy and happy.

by Jamie Satterwaite | Apr 4, 2018 | Soaping
The Best Soap Swirl Recipe
In the pot swirls and drop swirl soaps are so fun. They are some of my favorite soaps to make. Not only are they easy to make, it is always fun to cut into the soap to see what magic has occurred. The trick to having a good soap swirl is making sure that your soap batter is fluid. I have tried many different soap recipes, and while some have worked well, none have stayed fluid a long time. That is, until now! Today I am sharing the best soap swirl recipe!
