by Jamie Satterwaite | Apr 19, 2018 | Ducks
What Do Muscovy Ducks Eat?
A few weeks ago I shared some of the great benefits of raising Muscovy ducks. Since then, I have had a few questions, and one of the most popular was: What do muscovy ducks eat? The short answer: Everything. While they will devour anything they can get their beaks on, there are a few things that you should avoid feeding them. And there are things that you can feed them to keep them healthy and happy.

by Jamie Satterwaite | Mar 29, 2018 | Ducks
Benefits of Raising Muscovy Ducks
We have raised our fair share of different animals over the years, but one of my favorites is our Muscovy Ducks. While I never really seen myself raising ducks, my mother started raising them a few years ago and it peaked my interest. So, after a lot of time and research we decided that we wanted to add muscovy ducks to our little farm. If you are thinking about adding these guys to your farm, here are some benefits of raising muscovy ducks.
