by Jamie Satterwaite | Mar 15, 2018 | Goats
Questions to Ask Before You Buy A Goat
Buying a goat can feel a little overwhelming. While there are always goats available, it is important to do your research before you buy. While that cute little doeling on Craigslist may be super cute, there are questions you should always ask before purchasing. This is true for both your first goat, and any goats that you may want to add to your herd. To make sure you are getting the best goat for your buck, here are a few questions to ask before you buy a goat.

by Jamie Satterwaite | Nov 6, 2017 | Goats
Copper Deficiency in Goats | Symptoms of Copper Deficiency
A lot of areas in the United States do not have enough copper in the soil to keep a goat healthy. This means that sometimes you have to supplement your goats with a Copper Bolus. Each area and each goat is different, but knowing the signs of copper deficiency in goats can keep your goat happy and healthy.
Even if your area has a great copper level, there are other things that can block the absorption of copper. If your area is high in iron, this can prevent the proper absorption of copper.

by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 27, 2017 | Goats
Goat First Aid Kit Essentials
Raising goats can be fun, but it can also be difficult at times. Goats are susceptible to many different illnesses, and if not treated quickly, and correctly, they can be deadly. In order to give a sick goat a fighting chance, there are a few things that I always keep on hand for emergencies. Having a Goat First Aid Kit can mean the difference between life and death.

Many things on this list can be found online or at your local feed store, but some do require a prescription, so having a knowledgeable vet to contact is important.
by Jamie Satterwaite | Sep 27, 2017 | Goats
Goat Tummy Tamer Recipe
This past week my poor Morty was sick. He ended up with coccidia, which resulted in scour. My main concern when any of my goats get sick is to first figure out the problem and treat it, then prevent dehydration and keep their guts healthy. This Goat Tummy Tamer recipe can both prevent dehydration and help aid in keeping their gut happy.

by Jamie Satterwaite | Sep 14, 2017 | Goats
Basic Goat Terms
If you are looking into getting your first goat, there are a lot of terms that you may come across that confuse you. I know when I started out, I had no idea what a wether was, or what polled was. So, to help out new and potential goat owners I have compiled a list of the most common basic goat terms.
