by Jamie Satterwaite | Feb 19, 2022 | Goats, Printables
Free Goat Kidding Tracker Printable!

With the 2022 goat kidding season in full swing, I needed something that was quick and easy to write down information as each goat kid. I already have a goat health printable book that is available for free for download. It has a ton of pages to keep track of each goat’s health and wellness, but I needed something that was easy to keep tucked away in my kidding kit.
This kidding tracker printable is just that… A quick glance sheet to help keep you a little more organized during the crazy kidding season! It has just the basics, the dam’s name, sex of the goat, tattoo assignment, and a place to write down the colors/marking of each kid.
Goat Kidding Tracker Printable!Want to be the first to see our first kids on the farm? Check out our YouTube channel!
by Jamie Satterwaite | Feb 17, 2021 | Goats, Printables
Out of all of the animals I have raised, goats have to be my favorite. I have raised Nigerian Dwarf goats for 12 years, and in my opinion, are the best. As I rebuild my herd from moving, I am wanting to make sure I do it right. I have been very picky about the goats that I get, and I have become very diligent on keep track of everything. If you have ever raised goats, you will know they can be susceptible to a lot of parasites and diseases. If you are new to goats, do worry, it does get easier figuring everything out. In order to keep track of everything I made a few free goat health printables, and of course, I am sharing them with you!

There are three printables in this file, each one designed to help you keep track of medications, kidding, and all basic information about each of your goats.
by Jamie Satterwaite | Jul 4, 2020 | Printables
As I have mentioned before on my YouTube channel, we recently moved to our forever farm here in Arkansas! We love having so much land, but with so much land, comes so many projects! Between getting the shed converted into my office and all of our outdoor projects, it’s hard to stay organized! Nevermind all of the other hundreds of things that need to get done on a daily basis. So, to help me get organized, stay on track, and on a budget, I designed a Free Homesteading Planner!
Free Homesteading Planner

by Jamie Satterwaite | Mar 28, 2018 | Printables, Soaping
Free Soaping Printables With Bonus Soap Recipes
If you follow my YouTube channel, you will know I kind of like to wing things when it comes to soaping. Well, while I love to wing it, I am an organizational freak. I write everything down with each soap loaf I make. While I was using a note book, I found it hard to stay organized and find what I needed. So, after searching and searching, I could not find what I wanted. So what do you do when you can not find what you need? You make your own! So, today I am sharing some free soaping printables with bonus soap recipes for you to print and use.
