by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 18, 2017 | Soaping
How to Rebatch Soap | Reuse Soap
If you make a lot of soap, you will also collect a lot of off cuts or bars that are not the best in color or scent. So, today I am going to share how to rebatch soap.
This process is great for many reasons. The first being that it is a great way to reuse those small off cuts. If you have a bar that has lost its scent, or has imperfections, this is a great way to start over.
by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 16, 2017 | Soaping
How to Thicken Liquid Soap | Homemade or Store bought!
I recently shared how I make my own liquid soap from scratch. I have since had a few question, most have to do with the viscosity. If you have ever purchased liquid Castile soap, you will notice that they can be on the thin side. Today I am going to share how to thicken liquid soap.
by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 12, 2017 | Soaping
Hot Process Soap Versus Cold Process Soap
The two main processes for making soap is hot process soap and cold process soap. But when it comes to Hot Process Soap Versus Cold Process Soap, it is a matter of preference. There are even hybrid processes, such as cold process oven processed soaps. Each process has its pros and cons, so today we are going to go over some of these pros and cons.
by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 12, 2017 | Soaping
Cold Process Oven Process Soap
I have to say, once you start soaping, it is hard to stop. There are two main ways to make soap, cold process and hot process. Each has its own benefits, but when you combine the processes, you reap the benefits from both. This is what Cold Process Oven Process Soap is, a hybrid of both processes.
When making cold process, oven processed soap, you make soap the cold process way. This means that you can create a smooth, pourable batter that you can play with by adding different colors and designs. But, because we force the soap through a gel phase, you no longer have to wait for it to cure.
by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 3, 2017 | Soaping
DIY Goat Milk Bath Bombs Recipe!
We have a lot of goat milk stocked up, and I love it because you can use it for so many things! From making homemade goat milk yogurt, to DIY Goat Milk Soap, what is not to love about it? This week I am using some of the goat milk that I freeze dried to make these DIY Goat Milk Bath Bombs!
by Jamie Satterwaite | Sep 14, 2017 | Soaping
How to Fix a Partially Gelled Soap
Even when you make soap all of the time, you can still run into issues. Recently one of my cold process soaps decided it wanted to partially gel in the center. While this does not ruin the soap, it is still completely usable, it does not make it very pretty. So, here is how to fix a partially gelled soap!