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Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe

I feel as though cranberries get a bad rap. Most people just open a can of cranberry sauce for the holidays and do not think twice about it. I absolutely love cranberries though, they are one of my favorite side dishes for the holidays. One of my favorite ways to make them though is in a cranberry apple sauce. It goes great with both turkey and ham, and our family loves it with pork chops and on chicken too. Because I make such a large batch, I like to can it so I can enjoy it all year round, and give it as gifts around the holidays.

Cranberry Apple sauce recipe Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe

I prefer my cranberry apple sauce to be a little chunky so I like to use wide-mouth canning jars. If you do not like chunky cranberry sauce though, you can always run it through a blender or use an emersion blender to get a smoother consistency.Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe To can this homemade cranberry apple sauce, I use a water bath canner. With wide mouth half-pint jars, I like to process my can for 15 minutes. I just find that 15 minutes ensures a better seal rate with the wide mouth lids.

Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe

Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe

This Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe with canning instructions is perfect for the holidays, or year round!

  • 3 Large Granny Smith Apples (peeled, cored, and cubed)
  • 2 lbs Cranberries (fresh is best)
  • 1 Orange (sliced)
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • 3 cups sugar
  • 1/4 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 2 Cups Water
  1. In a large heavy bottom pot, combine apples, cranberries, orange, zest, nutmeg, cinnamon, and water.

  2. Heat over medium heat until fruit starts to soften.

  3. Add in sugar and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

  4. Boil for 3-5 minutes.

  5. Transfer to canning jars and process for 15 minutes.

Want a step by step video? Check out the video below.

What I love most about this recipe is that I can give it away as a holiday gift! I makes a great hostest gift, or neighbor gift. Or, you can just hoard it all away for yourself.

Cranberry Apple Sauce Recipe

Want more homemade gift ideas? Check out our YouTube Channel! Want something a little sweeter? Check out our recipe for homemade caramel sauce!