by Jamie Satterwaite | Nov 4, 2020 | Recipes
I have mentioned in other blog posts, as well as YouTube videos, that I have kind of a big sweet tooth. If you give me a choice between chips or chocolate, I am going to choose chocolate 95% of the time. While I do try to eat as healthy as I can, I do like to indulge… everything in moderation, right? It is finally autumn, so it is time to make one of my all-time favorite treats, Homemade Salted Caramel Sauce!

by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 28, 2020 | Recipes
I am the first to admit that I have a very large sweet tooth… I mean sweets are probably my favorite food group after all. Chocolate is probably my weakness, dark chocolate to be exact. I eat pretty healthy and try to offer healthier alternatives than just plain old chocolate donuts and muffins for breakfast. That is is why this Healthy Chocolate Donut Recipe is probably my go-to recipe for when I want something chocolaty and yummy for breakfast. It is made with oat flour and has no processed sugar, so I feel pretty good about having it as a nice little treat every so often.

by Jamie Satterwaite | Oct 7, 2020 | Recipes
I am so excited that it is officially fall! While I love summer, I feel like I can get more done when it is not 90+ degrees out! But, while I love fall, the beginning of the season always wreaks havoc on of my immune system. This week alone it has gone from 80 degrees to 40, and now back into the 80’s again. It is only a matter of time before I get hit with a nice cold to slow me down. In order to help aid in a quick recovery, I always love to add honey, lemon, and ginger to my tea. I love it even when I am not sick too, though. I figured this year I was going to be prepared, so I am canning a nice big batch of Honey, Lemon, Ginger Syrup for cold and flu season!
by Jamie Satterwaite | Sep 30, 2020 | DIY
DIY Hocus Pocus Hoodie With Free SVG Files!
With Halloween right around the corner, I knew that I needed to do some sort of Halloween DIY Project. Halloween is by far my favorite holiday of all time! I had a lot of ideas floating around in my head, but the only thing I was sure of was that I wanted to do something Hocus Pocus inspired, since it is one of my all time favorite movies! So, today I am showing you how I made this DIY Hocus Pocus Hoodie With Free SVG Files!
by Jamie Satterwaite | Sep 5, 2020 | Soaping
With Winter right around the corner, I am starting to prepare for the dry, cold months. While I love using my Homemade Goat Milk Lotion, it isn’t my favorite to keep in my purse and carry with me everywhere. That is why I absolutely love making lotion sticks and homemade lip balm!
How to Make Lotion Sticks & Homemade Lip Balm
This recipe is super simple to make, and it is also great to give as gifts for the holidays! I use the same exact recipe base for my lotion sticks as I do for my homemade lip balm, so it makes it easy to make large batches if needed.

Most of the ingredients can be found at your local store, but if you are from a small town like me, you can also grab them on Amazon too!
You can also substitute the kinds of butter and oils with other ones if you prefer as well! You do not need any special equipment, or even containers either. A simple jar with a sealable lid will work fine for this recipe. I opted to use lip balm and lotion stick containers for mine, but that is because I generally give these out to neighbors and as a free gift at the farmer’s markets where I sell.
They are relatively cheap, especially the lip balm containers since you can usually get around 50 for under $10!

The only special equipment I used is my Wilton Chocolate melter. I use it for only melting my waxes and oils, and it has never been used for food. If you don’t have one or don’t want one, you can simply melt your oils, butter, and waxes using a double boiler or microwave. I do caution though if you opt to use the microwave, do not add your shea butter and heat is short 15 second bursts. If your shea butter gets too hot, it will turn grainy, and no one wants a grainy lip or lotion bar. Instead, wait until everything else is melted and use the heat of those oils and butters to gently melt the shea butter!
Want to learn exactly how I made these super simple Lotion Sticks & Homemade Lip Balms? Check out the video below!
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